Well, I was always into acting since the age of about 6, so I did lots of amateur dramatics and acting at school, as well as getting a place in the National Youth Theatre. Then I did a drama degree at Goldsmiths, worked in telly as a runner and researcher for a bit, started doing stand up, got an agent, got a casting for Nickelodeon and then ended up on CBBC. There you go – that’s basically my entire life in one paragraph. Not bad going!
Do you ever feel weird talking to a cactus?
Strangely, no! Oucho and me just clicked from the start. Working with him was just a non stop laugh, so I’m hoping I get to do something with him next year when I’ve finished working on my latest show ‘All Over The Place’, which should be on some time in February 2011.
In 5 years what do you see yourself doing?
I have absolutely no idea! But then if I did, I think I would feel bored. I’ve never had any sense of what I’ll be doing in a few months time, let alone a few years. Something always seems to come along, especially if you keep busy.
If you could be anyone or anything from a video game who would you be and why?
Dry Bowser in Mario Kart. He’s a total bad ass and takes no prisoners! And I had to play way too much of that game to unlock him…
The world has descended into a zombie apocalypse, how do you survive?
By sitting in my cellar crying and eating tins of baked beans.
What historical figure would you most like to punch in the face and why?
Well, I don’t really condone violence in any form, but I’d quite like to give that Adolf Hitler a firm telling off. My Grandad had a pretty horrible time thanks to him, and where I live in South East London you can still see all the places that got bombed to bits. Naughty, naughty man!
If you were to only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
You are allowed one trip in the TARDIS, where/when do you go and with which Doctor?
I’d love to walk down the old London Bridge. It used to have houses and shops on it, which I think was quite cool. And I think I’d probably get on best with David Tennant. We share the same taste in shoes.
Would you rather hug a bear or kiss a crocodile?
Hug a bear. At least I’d get to snuggle up against it before it ripped my face off.
What would you do if you woke up and everybody in the world was gone?
Learn how to grow vegetables. Those frozen pizzas aren’t going to last long!
Would you rather have no hair on your head or no eyebrows?
No eyebrows obviously. You can just draw them on. I’ve got a lumpy head, so I’m not looking forward to being bald!
What do blind people dream about?
I dunno. Ask them. There’re plenty of them around!
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